Saturday, November 6, 2010

This 2 This


Any change from his last year's school picture? In the first picture he was 2.5 and a little goofier and in the second picture he is 3.5 and loosing some of his baby fat..:( I love his baby fat! He just looks a little older and wiser I think. Don't mind the wet spots all over his shirt..:/  He got cream cheese all over his shirt and as we pull up to school I realized it, wiped it off real quick and as soon as he walked into class it was picture time. What ever! I tried.


  1. Hi

    I am not quite sure how I missed all your other posts as I do have you listed on my sidebar...But let me start by saying your kids are soo adorable Amber. Motherhood suits you so well. You are doing an amazing job. I am glad you had fun on Halloween and for your birthday, and hope that you sort through all the changes that are coming about in your life. One thing we can always count on...NOTHING ever remains the same for long....NOTHING but Him that is. Have a good week-end. HUGS, Debbie

  2. Hi Amber. I see you know another fellow blogger friend of mine...Debbie from above comment. Welcome to my blog and thank you for following me. Are you in Corona too? Couple of darling little kiddos you have there!

  3. You have such a lovely family. I don't comment much but I sure like to visit here. You have a feel-good type of blog. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  4. Hi kris! Debbie is great! I played softball with her daughter Melody. They are such an amazing family. I'm not in Corona, but in Rancho Cucamonga. Your blog had a little of everything which I love. Have a good week!
