Monday, January 9, 2012

Christmas 2011

This Christmas was really special because it was the first year that both Jack and Elle really understood the meaning of Christmas. The were able to genuinely get excited at the thought of Santa leaving presents under the tree for them and so it was exciting for Dan and I to see that. After all isn't it the best part of Christmas to see your kids faces light up on Christmas morning?!

Elle was a excited about Santa, but a little apprehensive about him being in the house while she slept. Haha! One time when she was asking about Santa, I told her, " Santa can't come until you go to sleep then he will come! " She replied with, " He isn't coming in my room!? right?" haha!

All Jackson wanted was Nerfguns! It was all he talked about!! Next year I am going to have to step up my hiding skills. Jackson found a couple nerf guns in our closet ( he had to be snooping, they were covered with a blanket) and asked me about them. I told him that those were for Andy and the look on his face was pure disappointment. Pure disappointment then turned to anger. He could not understan how he could ask Santa for Nerfguns then I would by them for some one else. I felt horrible! I thought for sure he was traumatized. Now he tells me that he can't trust me! O'great my 4 year can't trust me!

This was my favorite Christmas morning picture. It was Elle opening her gift that Jackson picked out for her at his Christmas boutique...It was the Cutest book! Thank Goodness for Little Girls was the name of it. He was beyond excited for her to open it and you could how much it meant to him that she liked it. :)

Both of our Moms spent the night and got to spend Christmas morning with us, we love having them over and being a apart of those memories. They both have not missed a morning with us since Jackson first Christmas!

Jackson's favorite gift was this bug habitat, but not for real bugs they are these weird electronic bugs that move like 100 miles an hour. So much for the Nerf guns! haha! He loves the Nerf guns too though we have family nerf gun wars weekly! And can I say, " I am so over finding bullets, everywear!" I even found one in the fridge the other day and my undies draw! These kids!

Baby's favorite gift was her new very own princess bike and her princess umbrella. She has wanted an umbrella for quite some time now and she finally got it! 

The last picture is of my hubby and Bailey. Bailey is going to be 9 years old this year!!

Christmas night we had both sides of our family over for a prime rib dinner, that came out amazing! Wish I had more pictures of Christmas night, but I just didn't have time.

We hope you had an amazing Christmas this year! Merry Christmas!

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