Friday, August 27, 2010

Sea World

Last Friday while spending the week at the beach we took the kids down to Sea World for some much needed fun. We didn't tell the kids where we were going, because, well that would be just stupid. We would never here the end of it. So They were both super surprised and we enjoyed seeing their faces light up once we arrived.

The last couple of months Jackson has been really into sharks. He says and I quote," Sharks? I beat Sharks up!" I think it's the funniest thing because when he says it he is so animated and even tosses his head and body around as if he is actually beating a shark up right then. One of those..I guess you need to see it in person.;)  While at Sea World we bought a pack of little toy sharks with one of every different kind of shark in it. He as been obsessed with them. He can name like 8 different species of sharks. I say, "Jack whats kind of shark is this?" he looks at it and says, " Um that's a reef shark"  or " That's a pokadot whale shark" He adds the pokadot all on his own.

Elle enjoyed herself too. She just looked at amazement at all the cool sea animals and took it all in, and would copy everything Jackson would say.

This is the Beluga Whale! Amazing and unreal to see up close. I hadn't been to Sea World since I was probably around 5 years old and it just turns you into a little kid again.

Inside the Polar Bear exhibit the kids got to climb inside of a cave where a Polar Bear was sleeping! (not a real one..haha!) It had sounds of snoring bears and then out of now were it would grawl really load..hence the nervous faces.

Jackson's face cracks me up....AAAaaaaahhDddddduuuhhhh! haha!

At the tide pools the kids got to enjoy touching all the little sea creatures. Jackson has no fear and without even thinking about it his hands were exploring all around. Elle on the other hand needing a little guidance and wasn't quite sure why were touching these things, one touch was enough for her.

After spending the entire day at Sea World we were tuckered out!!! Seeing These happy smiles at the end of the day makes everything we do as parents so worth it.

1 comment:

  1. aaaannnnnnd, she's back to the bloggin world! Woo hoo :-) We went to Sea World (just the 2 of us, we're a couple of kids at heart) and had fun...although I was sure tuckered out after just a couple hours!!
