Monday, July 6, 2009

"Not me!" Monday

This week I had my cousin Britt over to visit. While we were shopping I did not completely forget my purse and everything I bought in the shopping cart. Later that day at another store I did not park half on the curb and only half way up into the parking spot, and then leave it. Nope, "Not me!" That would be so silly of me, right?

On Sunday while outside with our neighbors I did not let, no encourage my two year son to play with sparklers. They were like small torches. So "Not me!" That would be so irresponsible of me.

Today I did not yell, no scream at my husband because he was late coming home when I had a hair appointment..Only to find out that I actually was an hour early to the hair appointment. Whoops! Nope not me! ...Sorry Sweetheart:)

Go see and take a look at all the other "Real" moms out there and their "Not me!" Mondays:)

1 comment:

  1. I was there when you did not leave your purse in the shopping cart and we definitely did not let our 2 & 3 year old play with mini torches. We would never to a thing like that. Lol
    oh & I did not fall asleep at 8 and miss out on all of the fun bow making activities :(
