Thursday, July 2, 2009


Warning! If you don't want to hear a Mother complaining about a day when everything seemed to go wong then don't read on, cause you'll be annoyed.

Do you ever have days where everything seems to go wrong and you can't help but think back to the days when you had no one else to take care of but yourself?...Well that was me on Tuesday, for sure! I longed for the days when I could just meet up with a friend for Coffee at the drop of a hat. When I could run errands with no naughty children and do WHAT ever I wanted, WHEN ever I wanted. Well I traded in all those privileges when I became a mother. Though by nights end I wouldn't have it any other way, It's therapeutic to vent about the bad days.

Today started off crappy. I was tired and sluggish. Did not want to get up. I would have done anything to sleep in. ANYTHING!! The doors at our restaurant have to be unlocked for the clean-up crew be 8 am, and my dogs needed to be at the groomers by 8am. Dilemma! Restaurants in La Verne. Dog groomer in Chino Hills. Dilemma! So I woke up extra early, got the kids dressed and feed. I did get some help from my hubby....Very very little! I think he might of helped Jackson brush his teeth. Anyways...We were off to the restaurant ahead of schedule with all major catastrophes avoided thus far. All good! La-de-da! La-de-da! I'm going over all the things I have to do...I even call the dog groomer to tell her that I might be a little late. DOGS!!! SH**!! I forgot the Bailey and Baxter. Seriously? So now after I open the restaurant I have to drive all the way back home, way out of the way, to pick up the dogs. On my way home I try and call my husband to give him a heads up to have the dogs ready for me. Our phone keeps ringing and answering machine picks up...Odd! I'm way behind schedule now. So I run into the house and Dan tells me the phones are broke. Broke, Seriously? Geezzz. I finally get to the groomers, only a smidgen over an hour late. I'm so apologetic. She is super nice about it. I'm flustered for sure,, but still have avoided anything really worth fretting over. Off to meet up with a friend from High School for Coffee. Jackson was getting really restless in his car seat by this point. His bottom probably hurt. Poor little guy. I made the mistake of telling Jack were going to see Ashley (my friend), well silly me. Ashlyn is also a girl friend of Jacks who he is absolutely smitten for. Now he thinks Ashlyn in meeting us at Starbucks and he keeps asking. "Wen Asshhyn commin, Wen Ashhyn commin?" Over and over! And I keep breaking his little heart when I tell him she isn't coming. Jackson just didn't understand. I felt bad. I'm in a long line at Starbucks. I have Peanut in one arm and my purse in the other. I'm making Jackson hold on to my dress. Jackson realizes my dress has some stretch to it (ya stretch. It makes everything better) so he takes advantage of pulling it as far as he can go. I kinda get a kick out of this and let out a little chuckle. Bad Idea. Now he wont stop doing it. We get our goodies and go find a comfy seat outside next to the little water thingy. I turn my head for one second and Jackson has taken off his shoes and is knee deep in the water fountain. He is literally holding on to the sign that says do not let children play in fountain. Everyone is looking at me. I realize they have no high chairs. So I set Elle on the floor. I'm trying everything to get Jackson out of this water fountain. He is not budging. I'm saying,"Jack look a monsters gonna get you, better get out!" "Ill give you a hundred dollars!" nothing would work. Every one is staring at me. I have to jump in to this fountain. Mind you it's no small fountain and it actually looks like a small volcano with an incline. Jackson is perched up at the top of this incline..I just keep telling my self I'm gonna spank his little bottom when I get him! I don't care if anyone sees me! Everyone is watching and I'm getting the "O' he is so cute" comment, when in the back of their heads they are thinking put a leash on your kid already. After the hundredth time running after Jackson I had, had it! I think I said, " Your going in time out, RIGHT NOW MISTER!" about a thousand times. ( I have an exaggerating problem) I realize Where the heck is Ashley? I got stood up. We waited for about a half hour. I though she probably tried calling my broken house phone. I tell Jackson we have to go and he is pissed to say the least cause he still thinks "Asshyn" is coming. Jack is screaming. I get a phone call. I have to go back to restaurant. I'm about to cry. Elle is literally slipping out of my arms. I am trying to hold two drinks, two pastry bags, my purse, and dragging Jackson across the parking lot. "Everyone is watching, judging. Look at the baby, look at the baby" I put everything in the car except the kids and took, I mean dragged Jackson back across the parking lot to make him at least try and go potty. I didn't want any accidents.So I'm in the bathroom I look in the mirror and what image is staring back at me? A dress that has coffee droppings on one side and throw up on the other. Yes in the mist of dragging my son across the parking lot. My precious Elle vomited on my. I can't even begin to imagine what was going through all those Coffee drinking patrons. I'm on the way back to the restaurant. I get a call from my sister. I need to pick up my nephew from his Dads. Wonderful! I go pick him up. I go to the restaurant. It's time for the dogs to be picked up now. My gas light is on. I stop by the gas station. I'm missing my debit card. It's Arco, so only cash or debit. I only have seven dollars in cash. It all goes into getting gas..realize I don't have my debit card so I cant get money out of the ATM to pay the dog groomer. Sh**! ( Normally I don't cuss, but..) I go back to the groomer explain my problem and I tell her I'll mail a check as soon as I get home. Elle is crying so I take her out of her car seat and change her diaper. No! No! No! She didn't just have a poopy diaper she had a blow-out. I reach into the diaper bag to find the wipes. No wipes! I'm a mess at this point and so are the kids. It's hot out and I know the kids have got to be hungry. I start to head home. (Don't forget I have my nephew in the car still.) Elle is still crying so I tell Dillon to crawl into the back and try and spoon feed her some applesauce. He looks at me like, are you for real right now! He can't find the food or the spoon in the diaper bag. I have to pull over on the 71fwy to look for it. I find it. Elle is happy:) Mama is happy. Dillon tells me he is being traumatized. I look back at him and say good! Do you know what abstinence means? ( He will be in high school next year) We finally get back to our neck of the woods. I drop Dillon off at his house, get the kids out to stretch their little legs and nurse Elle. We finally get home and I have this overwhelming relief that my horrible day is finally coming to an end, and I cried:( .....My husband looked at me and said, "Wanna go up stairs and try for baby number 3?" I could have punched him in the throat!!!

So thankful that Day is behind us.


  1. Oh Amber, sorry but I laughed out loud when I read this...haha....I remember the days sooo well...You are in the season of kids I call "the survival" You do whatever you MUST do to just get through each kids, cook meals, chase kids, laundry, chase kids, and finally bathe kids and heave them into bed...haha And wonder if you are teaching them all they need to know to feed their spirits and emotions to grow into the people you want them to be....these were hard years for me....BUT!! the season I call the wonder years are right around the corner. From about 4 or 5 until 12 or 13, are sooo great. Old enough to do most things for themselves, in school most of the day (an important one haha) and yet still young enough to cuddle and look at you as though you are able to do everything in the world for them...sooo sweet... we won't talk about the season after that just now, haha...hang in there, you look like you are doing a WONDERFUL job....

  2. oh my goodness. i feel like crying for you. i cant even imagine how you felt. my kids are 6 years apart so i cant even pretend i know how it is to have a day like you did. but i know the worst days are the ones you look back on later and laugh the hardest about.

  3. It's me again Amber...I just read your comment on my page....what a neat story and one Melody told me about when she got home that week-end...I was soo excited for you I remember it well. I also remember being concerned as to what was happening to you after that happened. You and Mel weren't hanging out much anymore and I never knew if you found a church, or had a bible, or anything. I prayed about you ever time the Lord brought you to my mind, that He might keep you safe and that you might grow in Him.... Looks like He kept it all in His perfect control. You met a wonderful man it seems and now walk with Him. If you would ever like to hear Jimmy (do you remember him?? He came to many games and trips?) speak, you can get them on the internet. I'd be happy to tell you how. I am soo happy for exciting for your mom 100's inspiring for me...thanks for the prayers, I can use them...

  4. Your day seemed dreadful but very common to most mothers.However, probably, the two seater stroller that has belts and buckles and a place to carry lots of things would have made the situation better. It seems as though it would have been the perfect day to, i don't know, BREAK IT OUT! :)
    -D.B.(used brianna's email thats why it says "Mrs.Cullen)
